Finding House Fire Restoration Services

Fire Damage – From the structure of a home to all items kept in it, fires destroy pretty much anything in their path. The skilled teams at Paul Davis can offer many different fire damage restoration services, such as contents cleaning and structural repairs. Typically, fire damage is accompanied by water used by firefighting crews. We will remove all water and treat affected areas. We want to get a property back to normal quickly, regardless the damage. Smoke Damage – The property damage after a fire won't be restricted to what is done by the flames. Smoke damage can also find its way into various areas of your house, many of which are nearly difficult to pinpoint without the right tools. We'll determine the full extent of your damage, eliminate odors, and sanitize the air. Have you been hit with smoke damage? If so, there is no time like the present to contact Paul Davis!The Paul Davis Difference At Paul Davis, we are committed to helping you restore your home from the fire and smoke damage you've experienced to the way it was before. All of our technicians are trained to provide the highest level of service whenever we respond to an emergency. To learn more about fire damage specialists San Marcos CA, please contact us today!fire damage specialists San Marcos CA